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Friday, June 13, 2014

Lead Your Heart - Away by Seeing the RED FLAGS of Abusers (Flag 13)

Red Flag 13 - He Has Negative Attitudes Toward Women

This one is hard to tell at first because he will most likely tell you that you are wonderful and that he has a lot of respect for you. He will tell you early on in the relationship that you are different from other women, that there is something unique about you. But t he distinction will not last long, at most only until he has you hooked, either into a longer term relationship or marriage.

Being a woman, why would you want to be involved with someone who sees women as inferior, stupid, conniving, or ONLY GOOD FOR SEX? He isn't going to forget for a long that you ARE ALSO A WOMAN.

This one is also hard to distinguish in Hmong men. A lot of us were taught that women should take care of the home, or that a man's career is more important than a woman's. So, for the typical Hmong wife, it's hard to tell that these stereotyped beliefs about women's sex roles COULD be a sign of abuse.

This gives him an excuse to punish you when you start to refuse to live in this box.

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